Sunday, November 7, 2010

“Do not promote begging…”

…was a little sign that caught my eye today in Kloof Street. Got me pondering on the change I so often readily give away, sometimes feeling obliged even, thinking it would make a difference in some person’s life. This little sign had me wondering how much of a difference am I really making.

Begging is everywhere in Cape Town. Sometimes, quite frankly, it makes me sick to think that I cannot go anywhere without being pestered by somebody, somewhere for “something please”. At the robot intersections, wherever you park, along a walk, sitting at a cafĂ© …. I really don’t think I need to elaborate here. Yet all these people continue doing what they do because WE reward it. Are we really helping beggars by just giving as generously as we do? By now they know very well of our generosity or bank on “agh shame” and “Agh voeitog” - quite happy just sitting there and…. waiting for it. No inclination to do anything else whatsoever to help themselves…. why bother anyway… there’s no need to work or make any effort when others so readily do it for you.

I’m not saying stop giving at all. I’m hinting at … there are far better ways to offer your money and assistance to those in need. There are plenty and plenty of NGO’s that often desperately need our assistance… be it money, time or skills. These are organisations, big and small, that are dedicated to helping others …. caring for babies that have been dumped, abused women and children, displaced refugees, helping many from unthinkable circumstances not only get back on their feet, but also offer hope and support for a better future.

Donating to an NGO’s of your choice seems like a far better way of ensuring your donation goes to good use – and bear in mind… it does not exclusively have to be with money. And if giving to some NGO doesn’t quite feel you, consider an extra tip to those people who are actually doing something for themselves…. like waiters, the car wash guys, the petrol attendants, buy a craft from the guy selling at some intersection, heck…even the dude with jokes-for-money etc. These at least are people who show some initiative and are prepared to do something to help themselves other than just sitting on some street corner or robot intersection waiting for “agh shame” to come a long.

Next time you fork out some change at the robot intersection, think about how much you’re really helping that person. With more of us giving in more constructive ways- we might just be able to make that envisioned difference in some person’s life.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Social Media on the run… addictive?

I don’t know about you, but heck…. I find it difficult to even think of a day without social media in my life. Hmmm… wonder if Shabz is online… or Claire perhaps (calculate time zones and check anyway)…. hey what’s everyone got to say on Twitter…

Probably one of the first things I do when I wake is check emails and Twitter updates on my phone. I have deliberately not added the mobile Facebook application, since I already have GTalk, Yahoo Messenger and Blackberry Messenger…. in addition to two email accounts and oh… an additional Twitter account too. These seem more than enough to keep me occupied and connected whilst on the go.

When my phone went in for repairs, I felt officially lost! I promise you…. I’m convinced I had withdrawal symptoms. These 3 weeks truly seemed like the longest 3 weeks of my life. Initially, it was as if I just didn’t know what to do with myself and this built-in inclination to check up on statuses, messages and chats. How could technology do this to me!!! Don’t they realise how much I need it?? How dependant I’ve become on the convenience? No red little flashing light to check?? What now?

The first week was super hard and slowly the realization sunk in that I need to occupy myself in other ways and just live with my little scenario. Ultimately… I think I calmed down a bit. I chilled bit more, read more, didn’t feel the need to check little red light (cos well I couldn’t even if I wanted to). And sitting at the PC is just not the same. Needless to say- happiness returned once my phone got back.

I have the habit of putting my phone on quiet mode – not even silent or vibrate – with the idea that I check up on things when I want to, when convenient for me, particularly when with family and some friends. So the thinking was that I managed my time pretty well when it comes to social media. Well- my 3 weeks of perceived hell certainly proved me wrong and I couldn’t help but think… am I addicted … me?

Make no mistake, obviously I love social media and being connected, yet my 3 week abstinence taught me that I need to strike a healthier balance between time spent online and off.

Love it or hate it- it’s now a part of our daily lives…. learn to deal with it or you may find yourself networking with the 12 steps.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Guy Fawkes

Remember remember…. the 5th of November. Fireworks, bright colours and sparks… the excitement of watching the spectacle and having fun with friends is how I remember Guy Fawkes.

I grew up in this short little cul-de-sac and we were a bunch of 8 kids that did practically everything together – playing all sorts of outdoor games mostly like hide & seek… cowboys and crooks, king and dodge ball. We built our version of little club houses in our backyards and these served as strategic meeting points where brilliant ideas were concocted of how we could get up to mischief. My brother had bright ambitions of building an underground club house once. Sadly, this mission didn’t get much further than the massive hole we started digging in the backyard…. Daddy of course didn’t think the idea was that bright at all. Anyway- Guy Fawkes was one of the momentous occasions we all looked forward to celebrating.

Weeks before I’d start accumulating my array of fireworks and sparkles and the afternoon of Guy Fawkes , waiting for sunset, just seemed like the looooongest flippin afternoon ever. When sunset fiiiiiinally decided to grace us, it was off to whichever clubhouse was the designated meeting point for the evening. First we’d examine the array of fireworks we had between us- then pick what to fire up first and decide which ones we’d keep for last. And a fun filled evening of bright sparks, colours and games was off. Happy times!!!

The tradition was born of a bit of sad story though. On November 5, Londoners were encouraged to celebrate the king’s escape from being assassinated by Guy Fawkes by lighting bonfires. Guy Fawkes elected to jump from the gallows moments before his official hanging.

These days, I’m just not sure whether celebrating it is such a good thing anymore. I’ve heard stories of people getting injured and killed on this night. And then there’s the big debate, particularly by animal activists, about whether fireworks should be banned altogether.

Irrespective, if you’re considering lighting up this November 5th, be sure to keep it to restricted areas.


Summer survival kit for Cape Town

Cape Town is an absolutely perfect place to spend your summer. It’s also usually the time of year when tourists flock. To survive it though, you’ll need a few things, particularly if you’re not Capetonian. Here’s my list what you need to survive a summer in Cape Town:

* Sunscreen
* Cozzie & a towel
* Map of theCity… if you not from around here
* Cape Town Phrase book- idioms included!! (vital for CT also if you not Capetonian)
* An open mind – we’re a rather diverse bunch
* Hat, bandanna or umbrella – or you could risk frying your brains
* Braai tongs – you do know that you have to braai right?
* A picnic basket
* Comfy walking shoes- if you’re exploring
* A machete for the jungle area - naaaaaaaa just kidding:-)
* A biiiiiiiiig smile – we’re super friendly here

And now with your survival kit you’re all set for an amazing summer of beach… braai… laughs and simply too many awesome things to see. Happy times here we come!


How to make a signature mousse – that’s foolproof

My personal recommendation…. and an all time favourite. You simply cannot go wrong. It’s extremely easy to make and a guaranteed hit. Chocoholics – you might wanna save this somewhere.

What you’ll need:
• A 200g slab of milk chocolate (dark = my personal preference)
• 24 white & pink marshmallows
• 2 tablespoons of cocoa
• ¼ cup of hot water
• 1 can of chilled ideal milk

How to:
• Dissolve the cocoa and hot water over a low heat
• Add your chocolate (which you broke into blocks) and when a bit melted, add your marshies
• When all dissolved, remove from heat and allow to cool
• Now whip up your ideal milk till light and fluffy and beat into chocie mixture
• Pour into desert bowl and chill overnight (for best results I’d say)

Aaaand vwala!!! You have a signature mousse and will be loved by everyone who dares to devour your little creation. Decorate with whipped cream ooooor grated Peppermint Crisp or nuts… or just have as is.

Warning: yes… it’s rather rich and addictive… so small doses people… relish in small doses.


The last lecture

…. is something that kinda makes me sad, happy and excited. Sad that another year has passed…. happy that I made it… excited about what lies ahead. I absolutely love this part of my life journey…. the learning bit that is …. throughout my school says and now at university, even the short courses I did in between like TEFL etc.

Now about that sad part again… I guess the sadness largely comes with the parting of a teacher or lecturer. I have always always revered my teachers and guides in life…. for these are the special people that give me the kind of gift nobody will ever be able to take from me. And with this gift I am able to do much more. I don’t know if it’s possible to thank these special people adequately…. my gratitude certainly runs deep.

Along my TEFL journey last year (the gap year I took before more PR)- I learnt that in South Korea they actually have a whole day dedicated just to teachers… where kids and parents spoil teachers rotten for the entire day. Ain’t that super fantastic??!!! They should really have this everywhere I think.

As sad, happy and excited I once again am ….. it’s the last lecture I hope to have for many more years to come.


Watch this space

It was quite something for me when writing up my bucket list recently, for it also got me thinking of the things I couldn’t add to this list… those things that already got the tick…. like attending a Wailers concert… visiting Anne Frank’s house… and climbing Table Mountain.

I am grateful and feel blessed for the experiences along my journey that brought me to my goals. I have felt fear, anxiety, pain, frustration…. along with the love, immense happiness, joy, enthusiasm and hope. Reaching my goals, big and small, is the very stuff that makes this journey so rewarding.

The exciting things is- it doesn’t stop there. As fantastic as it is to achieve a goal…. what’s even more exciting is that it marks the starting point of yet another. Watch this space.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Shedding light on Solar Energy

Yeah yeah… whilst I’m on the green train – thought I’d share a bit info on solar energy, particularly since we’re blessed with the beautiful African sun and yes, I’m a solar energy advocate.

Solar energy is all about generating electricity using the power of sun, and it does this through the use of a solar panel, fixed or portable. The panel has what is known as Photovoltaic cells (or PV cells) which absorbs energy from the sun and converts it into electricity. That electricity is then stored in a battery, for use whenever you need. So no, the sun does not absolutely have to be shining in order for you to have electricity- that’s where the battery comes in.

In South Africa, as yet, we do not have the technology to manufacture our own PV cells. We’re getting there though. What we can do is manufacture our own panels by shipping in the PV cells and putting them together locally. And then there’s the vital difference between solar panels for electricity and solar panels for water heating- which is not the same thing. Panels for water heating basically uses tubes and not PV cells. So yay! the good news is we can make these right here.

Solar energy, even though its been around for ages, is now fast becoming rather popular as a reliable, alternate source of energy. Already you see power lights along our roads using solar panels and water heating systems on roofs. And with our powerful African sun, I believe the opportunities are endless.

Germany!!... yes Germany!! is one of the world’s biggest supporters and manufacturers of solar energy technology…. and they even have a solar utility!!! Hint hint people of the Southern Hemisphere. So… back in SA, not only does solar energy have the potential to be the preferred alternate energy source, it also has the power to light up lives the traditional electricity grid has missed. I’m sorry, I cant resist… “power to the people!!”


Your foot and you

By now… if you haven’t heard about carbon footprint… you simply need to get out more dude! When you switch on that light, boil the kettle, drive to work – you have an impact on the environment…. you emit caaaaarbon/greenhouse gasses that create your very own carbon footprint. Say it…. “my caaaarbon footprint”. So- the hoohaa is to do as much as we can to reduce this footprint.

In a nutshell - our natural resources just cannot replenish itself fast enough to keep up with our increasing energy demands. You want this… you want that… go here…go there- they all require energy. And thus the hype of alternate/renewable energy sources, like solar, hydro and wind power, to slowly shift our reliance from dirty fossil fuels …. yes baby! I’m talking about coal. And so we’re clear on things, er.. nuclear is not a renewable energy source.

However, in our little transition phase, we’re not quite ready to be entirely dependant upon alternate energy sources and for now have to settle for a bit of both. And in circumstances where it may be difficult to reduce your energy consumption or reliance on fossil fuels, it helps to off-set by planting a tree or recycling for example. See??... there’s always something you can do.

We’re at a stage where changing what and how we’ve been doing things is absolutely necessary. Already it has been forecast that from 2011 Cape Town will once again be battling with supply and demand issues similar to that of 2008. Candlelight dinners… here we come!

So next time you turn on that light or drive to work, think about something you can do, however small it may seem, on a daily basis towards reducing your carbon emissions. When more of us start doing those little things differently, the gross impact can only be beautiful. I for one, have started using a bit of solar energy and am sure to switch off my plugs before leaving home.

Aaaaand – don’t blame ‘the other’ please - its not just the big corporations that should be doing something – its you… its me … and our combined little efforts that make aaaaall the difference. My parting little thought, imagine a world where we generate our own electricity…. and its free. Bye bye Mr Carbon Footprint.


My favorite Cat in the Hat book is Hooray for Diffendoofer Day!

…. because… it’s a celebration and encouragement for the out-of-the-box in us.

Diffendoofer is a school in Dinkerville where the kids learn things not taught in usual schools. There’s no maths, languages or sciences, but subjects on listening, smelling, laughing, yelling- tying knots and distinguishing between a cactus and a cow. Miss Bonkers is a favourite and to kids it seems she teaches everything, fondly described as being “different-er than the rest”.

Diffendoofer is a far cry from neighbouring Flobbertown, where everyone dresses in one style, sings one song and march in single file. In Flobbertown, even the dogs are afraid to bark. The celebration of Diffendoofer Day comes about when the school is in danger of closing down if they cannot prove kids are learning what they’re suppose to learn. With the kids all passing the special test and saving Diffendoofer from closing down, the headmaster declares a holiday to celebrate Diffendoofer Day.

In Hooray for Diffendoofer Day we learn the value of and celebrate creative thinking and individuality. It paints and dull and boring picture of the mediocre and conforming to socially accepted standards. In this book we learn that contradictions, inconsistencies and paradoxes are perfectly acceptable… being different-er than the rest is more than perfectly OK.


The Green Revolution

My work with a renewable energy business has certainly opened my eyes to the Green Revolution that seems to be sweeping around the world. What makes me rather happy is to see the increased attention, information and awareness out there on greener lifestyles.

Increasingly we find eco- attached to almost everything, with awareness being created by businesses and celebrities alike. Heck, even the Parlotones have embarked on a Carbon-Free campaign.

At the same time, one has to be really careful when buying into the green as amongst these offerings are also the wanna-be’s… attaching a green stamp to what might not necessarily be a green offering. If I may contradict myself a bit here, it is also important to note that being truly green and organic is virtually impossible. Just about everything has a carbon footprint attached to it. The product, for example, may be produced of 100% organic materials, but transporting it from A to B incurred a carbon footprint. And here’s where off-setting our emissions may come in handy.
So before you go out and buy that green product, be sure to do some homework on how green it really is. Things to consider are:

* Where it’s manufactured?
* What materials its made of?
* What makes it organic and green?
* Does the business off-set their emissions in any other way?

In our transition phase from fossil to renewable and alternate energy sources, increasingly we’ll be seeing new green products and service offerings out on the market. When you do find something that’s really helpful and green – share your experience with others. With the Green Revolution now sweeping across SA too, spare a thought for that eco-revolutionary in you.


Why I have conversations

Whether small talk, debate or banter – conversations for me are absolutely necessary to connect with others and my world. Through conversations I am able to not only share my ideas, opinions, experiences and dreams, but also learn from the insights and experiences of others.

People just love to talk…. express themselves and thus, of course, want to be listened to. Bet you’ve come across that someone who just couldn’t stop… er maybe that person may even be you. Thing is, through our conversations, we connect with each other, we engage, we interact and build relationships. And relationships are the stuff that makes our world go round…. whether work or personal… heck even with the self. Yes, we even have conversations with ourselves…. some aloud… others not, don’t even try to deny it.

In the course of our conversations we share, debate and exchange the things of our world… philosophy, art, poetry, love, scandal and the weather. And what is most awesome with social networks of today, not even barriers of time and space can stop our conversations.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

My bucket list

There are many things I would love to do and experience within my life… here’s a sneak preview of my bucket list:

1. Write a book
2. Learn to surf
3. Learn Tai Chi
4. Learn to play golf
5. Learn conversational Spanish
6. Learn conversational Mandarin
7. Visit a Buddhist Temple in an Asian country
8. Learn to play guitar
9. Belly dance
10. Go bunjee jumping
11. Visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
12. Learn calligraphy
13. Sponsor at least one person through tertiary education
14. Travel to all the countries of my big fat BIG dream
15. Own a beach house
16. Visit Tibet
17. Spend a week at a silent retreat in India
18. Successfully market and grow the business
19. Get a masters degree
20. Sleep under the stars
21. Visit Machu Pichu in Peru
22. Eat sushi in Tokyo (not the one in Kloof Street:)
23. See the Northern Lights
24. Visit Malawi
25. Visit Timbuktu
26. Learn to live every moment in the now


My big fat BIG dream

…. is to travel… travel… travel and travel some more.

Top of my list is South East Asia- far and wide….Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, China, South Korea and India. Then Brazil, Argentina and Peru for a touch of the South American side of life. Then it’s the Carribean… yeah baby yeah!... Cuba, Jamaica, Barbados, Puerto Rico.

Travelling opens a world of adventure, fun and discovery…. I’m particularly interested in those hoekies and crannies not sold for the tourist. Why? Because people are super super interesting! My dream is to explore and gain some understanding of other peoples’ way of life, their culture… their background… what makes them happy. Of course then too, the amazing landscapes and gifts of nature that abound.

With all our differences from around the world, there are many striking similarities too. We all want love, to prosper and a fulfilling life. We all just go about things in a different way. Travelling to me is like opening a box filled with surprises…. and I do love surprises.

I truly believe no amount of possessions, status or carefully built estates can beat an enriching life filled with experiences.


Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?

Well of course it is. Its safe, secure, comforting and highly accepted by society. You just know you cannot go wrong. Thing is, how far will it get you in an ever changing world?

For many people, its just way more comforting than living outside of accepted standards and norms. Do what is expected of you and keeping others happy. And I suppose it takes all sorts to keep our world going round…. so, if you find it works for you… great! Little thing, don’t complain when you feel nothing ever changes in your life and you find yourself in cycles same-o same-o. Bitching and moaning about the same problems year in year out could very well be the sign that only you have been resisting change.

Change can be scary and risky yes, opening yourself up to the great unknown. Yet by opening that little door of change, so the unknown becomes the known. Life becomes that adventure you’ve been dreaming about and you reach heights you thought impossible.

So- dip your toe into the ocean of the strange, you may just find that the boogie man under the bed was all in your head.


Radiohead: Just

Now if ever I found a music video intriguing – its gotta be Radiohead’s Just Lyrics.

My quick rundown: In the video, this dude, for some reason, just decides to go and lie down on the pavement in the middle of the day. Everyone passing either steps over or around him. Some stranger nearly trips over him and immediately tries to assist, thinking he is perhaps ill and in need of medical attention. The hopeless guy refuses all help and instead requests that the stranger just leave him alone. The stranger, feeling obliged to help or know the reason for the dude just lying there, insists the man tell him what’s wrong. The hopeless man in turn insists that he cannot tell. This continues for some time till eventually a crowd is gathered. Finally, the man on the ground gives in and tells everyone why he is lying on the ground… and the next thing you know, everyone who heard his words has followed suit.

Check it out

So, question is… what could he possibly have said that’s powerful enough to cause this reaction?

I think its got something to do with guilt and the power it has to strip you of your passion for life. Guilt can play on your conscience and hold you hostage to society’s standards of right and wrong. You either deal with it or start living some double life. Here I recall too Bob Marley’s lyrics of Guiltiness when he says “guiltiness … rest on their conscience… and they live their lives… of false pretence everyday…”.

So- I think- the dude on the pavement, gripped by his guilt, is simply sick of this “false pretence everyday”. And Radiohead reminds us… “you do it to yourself”.


Designer PR

It frustrates me just a tad when I come across a businessperson who doesn’t quite get PR or even worse, writes it off as marketing. Then commences my passionate lecture on the value of PR and difference between marketing and advertising which everyone is so familiar with. Of course, my frustration will not be detected and you wouldn’t even know you received a lecture.

In essence, public relations is about managing perceptions… establishing mutually beneficial relationships between an organisation on the one hand, and specific people on the other. This managing of perceptions and building of relationships can only happen through communication. It is here that the science of PR meets the art. PR’s most valuable contribution to an organisation’s success lies in its ability to create and innovate.

Sorry dudes, but marketing and advertising on its own is so yesterday. These days anyone can not only smell an ad miles away, but are prone to ignoring it. People want to express, want to be listened to, want to engage in what is being offered. And with social networks evolving our communication platforms like never before, we find connection in unprecedented ways. Gone are the days of “business as usual”.

Designer PR calls for the taking of risks, authenticity, adaptability, innovation and creation… the very stuff that keeps us moving forward. Can the business of today really afford to miss this boat?


Die before you die

You know how some people have some message at the end of their emails? Either something about considering the environment before printing or an inspirational quote of some sort. Well, recently I received an email and at the end the sender had “Die before you die”. I couldn’t help but stare at these words for some time.

It made me think of moments somehow. How every past experience we recall was a moment of that time. Some good … some bad… but ultimately just a moment. For me, happiness and love are the stuff of moments.

One thing I know about happiness is that it is not something that can be planned. We often think that when I achieve this or have that… at some point in future … I’ll be happy. Yet nothing ever turns out precisely as planned.

What I’ve also learnt about happiness is that it is not something that cannot be planned. Rather, it’s the recollection of a moment that brought happiness. It just seems to happen along the journey. For me, money and possessions are not the stuff that brings happiness and love. Rather, again, its those precious moments.

I ultimately translated these words as a message of love and the encouragement to live without fear. For when you “die before you die” you learn to really live every single moment and even love what you once feared.


Nothing is more dangerous than an idea , when you only have one

Our whole world is based on ideas… a reflection of a history of ideas in fact. It is the birth of all successes and fortunes. When solving a problem, a single idea could be all you really need to get the job done. When it comes to creativity and innovation however, just one little idea could be rather limiting.

In an age where just about everything has been done, our ability to be creative and innovative is what keeps us moving forward. That new and improved product or service offering… that additional convenience that has never been available before.

This very innovation would not be possible without innovative people. And innovative people would not be successful with just one little idea.

The process of innovation is often a journey filled with errors and blunders. That extra idea could then be the difference between success and failure. As James Yorke puts it… “the most successful people are those who are good at plan B”.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Life before social media

Elated is about the best word I can think of how I felt today after receiving a postcard from a friend from halfway across the world! Handwritten with stamp and all! Now if that ain’t special – heck I don’t know what is.

It really got me thinking of life before social media and even though its boosted our abilities to communicate at rapid speeds, transcending vast spaces, I think there’re still some things it simply cannot beat. I’m certainly not bombing social media, especially since its facilitated chats with this very same friend, yet some things about the past I just feel are irreplaceable.

So what is it that I miss about life before social media?

• That handwritten, or better yet, homemade birthday card for sure.
• Uninterrupted conversations where people aren’t reaching for their phones every 5 minutes
• Developing pictures for the photo album that creeks when you turn the pages
• Not being that easily contactable and traceable
• Phone calls to simply know you doing and what you been up to

Is there anything you miss about life before social media?


Have you figured out the second head fake?

It’s always a bit of a hurry and scurry isn’t it? Life. I’m soooo busy. I have no time. How are you doing today?…. Busy. We brag about the long hours we worked, the midnight oil we burnt. We talk on our cellphones whilst doing almost everything. The thing is- we want to look busy and reflect our busyness to others at every opportunity. Why?

Is it not perhaps time to relook at our busyness and think again about what it really says? Could your busyness not be a sign of taking on too much?... overwhelming yourself to please others??? that you have no method in place of effectively dealing with it all. Is your busyness not perhaps a sign of weakness? Or is the scurrying helping you to achieve your dreams and goals faster?

Scurrying around headless does not necessarily mean you’re accomplishing things… in fact – the more I think of it- quite the opposite is true.

In Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture, and as a parting gift to the world before his own departure I think, this truly inspirational being attempts to point the way for us . “This lecture is not about how to achieve your dreams, it’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you.”

Is your busyness not perhaps a sign that your life is not yours anymore? So, have you figured out your second head fake?

Instead of the hurry and scurry chasing those dreams… maybe its time we truly give thought to the journey.


Work is love made visible

Yeah yeah- it may sound corny and overoptimistic, but how many times don’t we complain or listen to others’ complaints about their work and jobs.

No- I won’t make it worse by reminding you how grateful you should be to have a job either. I’m more on about the contention that work is a curse and labour a misfortune. That dreaded extra task you’ve kindly been asked to complete or that extra hour you had to put in.

Unfortunately yes- and granted… not all of us are in fulfilling positions where we get to do what we love doing. For many though it’s just about that paycheque and doing what needs to be done. Yet with a slight change in perspective, I think we can learn to love what we do… whatever that task may be. For however small and menial it may seem to you… it still forms a part of the bigger picture we’re all connected to. When we work with a curse and hatred for what we do, we poison the fruit of those labours.

A simple example, I’ve been going to this particular car wash for years- besides the fact that they do a brilliant job- I love watching Peter in action and am always amazed at the effort and pride he takes in his work, taking care with every little detail. It’s as if every car he washes might well have been his own.

I too, I confess, get discouraged from time to time and the words of one of my favorite authors remind me of the value in every little thing I do. From the all time classic, The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran advises… “Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy”.

Everything you do makes a difference.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

How hard is it to follow instructions?

A little while ago I had the task of writing product inserts for the business I represent. I neatly set out all the how to’s of the various products in the range, specifications, warnings etc. When all done, I wondered… who really reads these little product manuals – heavens- I know I don’t!

For me, the best method of finding my way around something new is just to delve into it. Of course this means mistakes are many- and that is when it really sticks…. “Ahaaaa… so that’s what I shouldn’t do”. The problem- sometimes you just cannot afford these little mistakes.

I think people just simply don’t like being told what or how to do things and thus ignore carefully set out, and often helpful, instructions.

If you have to give instructions – I’d say use a diagram or, better yet, show them the how to. And here the use of 2-minute videos are probably way more helpful than reading your way through lengthy instructions.

Though it may not always be fun to follow– instructions are there for a reason and can often save you much hassle or prevent some costly balls-up. Using salt instead of sugar – you’re guaranteed that cake fail.


Exhibition Gear

No- not what you’ll be wearing at your stand, but those little magic things that help you keep it all together.

For me, an event toolkit is theeeeee most amazing set of titbits that you shouldn’t even think of ignoring. They’re the odds and ends that often result in that special touch of a seemingly flawless stand and the lifesavers of the unexpected.

In my unconventional wisdom at our recent outdoor exhibition, I decided to remove the string from my event toolkit on the last day of the exhibition. Didn’t’ need you for day 1 or 2… what are the chances I would need you for day 3. Of course, day 3 had to be the day Murphy decided to punish me. So the wind picks up a bit and banner decides it’s a good time to lean like the Tower of Pisa. Not cool at all. The back-up plan took about 15 minutes, yet I couldn’t help cursing the string I now didn’t have.

So here’s my list of magic titbits which I consider exhibition lifesavers:

* String
* Prestik
* Cellotape
* Pins
* Pegs
* Scissor
* Elastic bands
* Bull-clips
* Paper clips
* Two-point plug / multi-plug
* …and oh! …did I mention string?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Your 15 minutes of fame

We live in an age where it seems impossible is becoming something of a myth. In the 60’s Andy Warhol predicted that “In the future everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes”. You can’t choose the 15 minutes, but why or how would you become world famous.

My first thought when pondering Warhol’s statement was our list of reality shows today. I mean really- is there anything that doesn’t have a reality show these days. Booming with Big Brother, soon followed Idols, Survivor, So You Think You Can Dance, Top Model, Top Chef….. er- I could probably go on forever.

I suppose what makes these shows so popular is that they feature the ordinary guy out there and not the well-trained actor or actress. And, ultimately, supposed to be a reflection of reality. Whether the content is in fact that real is another question. Exotic locations and bizarre events seem more to me like modified reality than anything else. Be that as it may – so comes the ordinary guy’s moment in the sun, his 15 minutes of fame.

I think Warhol could see it coming way back then – that at some point, becoming famous would be much easier and not restricted to the types of celebrities we’ve been used to up until recently.

In addition, and reality shows aside, with new media these days, becoming famous is truly within just about anybody’s reach. As easy as posting a video about your special talents, blogging ferociously on your subject of choice, podcasts, participating on forums and discussion lists on your area of specialty…. & boom…. so comes your moment in the sun.

I don’t think everybody out there wants to be famous, but of those of you who have that secret desire, your 15 minutes of fame is not Mission Impossible.


My 2c on exhibitions

With three successful exhibitions under my belt – I’m beginning to slowly feel like a little exhibition pro. Each expo though it seems comes with its very own set of valuable little lessons.

Working with a small biz for just over a year now, and of the marketing tools employed thus far, I have high praises for exhibitions.

Flippin hard work though, there’s (1) the planning and preparation phase: deciding on specific objectives, stand design, promotional material, staff etc. (2) your implementation phase: 3 days of utter madness… set-up preparations, long hours, those weird and wonderful questions, blabbering non-stop. (3) the after: lead handling, networks … those valuable contacts.

I firmly believe exhibitions, if appropriately matched with the event, carefully planned, and flexibly run – are invaluable for the brand and business concerned. As the old saying goes – absolutely nothing can replace the face-to-face. Even with today’s technological age, social media etc. … that face-to-face just cannot be beaten.

Despite each event being different – with its unique set of visitors carefully targeted by event organizers- I have noticed a usual trend. Day 1 is always super slow – your “strollers” or “browsers”… where a few business contacts is what would make it worthwhile. Day 2 is traffic traffic traffic and, if you’re selling a product, a sale or two. Day 3… the remainder of the world descends on your stand and is guaranteed to be your busiest day and best day for sales. I’ve concluded that the reason for last day scurry is simply cos its that precious last and thus- it helps to be a little extra prepared.

One important little note though – exhibitions are not the place if your sole objective is to make sales. Exhibitions are more about those intangible benefits – getting your brand out there, interacting with your market and learning more about them… what they like …what they don’t like, making valuable contacts and leads.

It can be a little costly to pull off – but for a small business- exhibitions are a fantastic marketing tool.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A skill set called leadership

There seems to be an array of information out there on leadership. Are they born? Are they made? What skills and qualities do they posses? How to become an effective leader? You could probably read yourself blue on all the theories and explanations of what constitutes great leadership.

When I think of great leaders like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Marcus Garvey, Richard Branson, Wangari Maathai, Martin Luther King – it seems to me that these almost mythological beings did not exactly set out on their journey with the thought of “Oh I will be a great leader one day”. Instead… I think it rather went something like “Oh I wish to make a difference”.

These and other great leaders possess a great vision … a vision that is not based on gain for the personal self, but a vision about having an impact on the “bigger picture” of their world or times, having a positive impact on peoples lives. With the commitment to this strong vision in mind, they set to work with the belief of making it happen, no matter what the challenges, cost or risks at stake.

Following on some of their journeys, a common thread is that the journey towards achieving their dream is certainly not an easy one, encountering and experiencing hardships some of us can only imagine. It seems, the bigger the dream, the bigger the risks and challenges.

To me, leadership is a status given to exemplary individuals and is not something that can be taken. So how can you or anyone go about becoming a great leader?

Dream. Dream big! In fact - dream bigger than BIG. Then, with your every breath, thought and action, set out to make it happen. When your dream and actions inspire others to dream and act too, then you would know, yet another great leader is born.


Was it Writer’s Block?

I sit, I stare, attempted a start – but not much happened. Feeling an extra need to get something done- I’d actually write … but not feel good about the result. Abort mission.

Was it laziness, fear, procrastination, distraction, the need for perfection … what? … a combination of these?

I haven’t blogged for some time and as more time past and as deadlines approach – I try to figure out this stumbling block. Could it be possible that creativity takes a holiday now and then? Some people have this fancy name for it….writer’s block – which some claim is very real and can result due to just about anything. Then, there are others who say it’s all in your head dude!.... ain’t no such thing as writer’s block.

I’d really like to blame it on a good friend who has dubbed herself my muse and claims she’s been outta it for some time... but the little voice told me I won’t get far with this contention.

If anything, trying to figure out its causes is a pointless waste of energy and time I eventually decide. What to do about it is the question. And for me, simply getting down to it seems to work.

I may not have a hit with my first attempt- but messing around certainly helps. Often I found I’d started out with a particular idea and the end result is something super far from that initial stroke of genius. And- when stuck in the middle of things – I get up do something entirely different - and just get back to it.

I have firmly decided that this thing called writer’s block is simply fear of a horrible result. I have also decided that to conquer this fear, I simply have to do something. So, my final decision?? - action produces inspiration and not the other way round.

(Pic: )

“Rock Journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” – Frank Zappa

… well, someone’s gotta cater for the needs of the perceivably deranged … and who better than the deranged themselves.

Although my knowledge and interest in rock is a bit limited, I’ve always admired and respected these artists for their boldness in not having to follow the socially correct bunch, often expressing a part of society that people don’t really want expressed. Now- imagine the rock journalist’s tasks, trying to make sense of the nonsensical and then relaying that information to gain attention…. for a subject, a person or simply an idea.

We live in a world where the problem is not the lack of information, but the abundance of it. Journalists have the task of gaining people’s attention around relevant information, finding meaning amidst the info jungle. And now, with blogging and new age media platforms, even Joe Soap can profess to be a journalist.

So- just about anybody can write, share and express… but can you gain people’s attention? To my mind, and no matter what the beat, that is the mark of a truly successful journalist.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Google and the privacy myth

It’s one thing to Google your name and find all sorts of links of your online activity. It’s quite another when it seems your most personal details can just as easily be found online.

I was recently introduced to Google Earth which happened to send shock waves through my fragile little system. “WTF!! … but that’s my flat!” I couldn’t quite understand my friend’s raves about the application until I saw it myself. What could be so scary about an online street map anyway?

Then, of course, after checking it out myself- my friend’s little picture became rather clear. There - in full picture view - was a too close up picture of my flat, and a view of the parking area revealed my little car. Any closer and you could have me with my morning coffee. The scary thing really is that this information is available online through the Google Earth application.... as in for the whole world to see. It really brings new meaning to the phrase that “you are never alone”.

The pics are apparently taken – periodically I assume- using satellite imagery, aerial photography and by the dude in the annexed pic I was lucky enough to snap whilst strolling around town, minding my business of course.

So- there happens to be a little bottom line here- is privacy seriously something of the past? Already our emails and telephone calls can be recorded and traced (I’m still hoping only used when actually necessary). Google Earth just seemed to be more than the cherry. At the lack of finding a better description- it just feels like one’s privacy is raped. For me, home is supposed to be my haven, safe and secure little spot from the big bad world. I don’t quite like the idea of my haven being available online. It’s something like being spied on permanently.

I’m not sure how everyone else feels- maybe it could be a good thing for finding direction when you need- but does it really have to include images with people or one’s private residence as a consequence? So what next? A live feed of you watering the garden?

Can you say Big Brother – 1984?

Pics: by Special Agent Muneera :-)

My top 200 achievements

Since language is so broad and can be interpreted differently – you need to know that I consider an achievement anything that made me do the happy dance after some work or effort. Here goes – in random order ….

1. Made it through school without failing a single year
2. Passed my drivers first time – and no … I didn’t pay anyone or wasn’t wearing a mini
3. Acted in a school theatre play – Oliver Twist actually – played two roles
4. Sang for the school choir – soprano nogal
5. Learnt to swim – although I could improve here quite honestly
6. Learned to play djembe – discovered a great passion in life
7. Performed for audiences – a number of times and still get nervous….we do little gigs… private drum circles and performances… although my gig days are certainly slowing down these days
8. My name printed in a publication – happy danced for hours the first time
9. Graduated with a national diploma in PR – what a high!
10. Organised a youth day arts festival at V&A – blood sweat and tears went into this one- I had no budget & managed to get 13 organisations and artists together to pull off a most stunning event – happy danced for days
11. Organised an exhibition at CTICC from scratch – stand conceptualization…design…. promotional material. Exhibitions = flippin hard work as I’d come to discover
12. Designed a brochure – that’s been reprinted a coupla times and still considered one of the business’ major promotional tools
13. Learnt how to maintain and update a website
14. Designed a website too, but sadly was only live for a few months
15. Explored Amsterdam – the place where warm and friendly people abound - I’m still happy dancing! – what a place! …definitely the highlight of my trip.
16. Learnt how teach English as a foreign language and got TEFL certified
17. Taught English classes to non-locals. South African idioms class by far my favourite
18. Strategically instilled in my nieces the love of books – “library run” and storytelling has become some of our favourite pastimes.
19. Got press and radio coverage for a small business.
20. Conceptualized a few business plans that received funding for the businesses concerned.

For the sake of my not being able to think of all my happy dances right now and for sake of leaving room for many more happy dances to come– this post is “to be continued”.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Now you see me... and now you don’t

Today Cape Town bid a rather sad, and surprised 5mins early, farewell to the legendary Two Ladies of Athlone. A familiar landmark to many, commonly also referred to as the Salt n Pepper shakers, left Cape Town with a bang after being around for about 50 years.

I remember as a kid, often driving pass the towers, the vicinity usually became the butt of smelly car jokes. “Oh no! Was that you? What did you eat? Damn!” And this, no matter how many times we passed, went on for years. Happy times! As I’d later learn, the foul smell was only due to the cooling towers being fed with reclaimed water from a nearby sewage plant.

As sad as may have been to see the Two Ladies go, authorities felt it rather necessary since the stabilising rings of the right tower collapsed in February this year. The towers had not been in use since 2003, prior to which it was only used to generate power in peak periods of demand. And with a bit of a bang, Cape Town said goodbye to its last coal-fired power station.

As a legendary landmark, you’d often be directed to “turn left at the Salt n Peppers” or “pass the Salt n Peppers” and bla bla bla. Its a bit sad and weird now that the area will be marked with emptiness - well at least for a little while I believe. The City recently announced that redevelopment of the site would most likely be completed in about three years. Suppose it would be exciting to see exactly what this redevelopment entails.

On the upside of things, it was nice to learn that the remains of the Two Ladies would be put to good use. Ross Demolition has arranged for the rubble to be carted to Salt River where the concrete would undergo extensive recycling and be used to manufacture 10 million concrete bricks, blocks and pavers. Who knows, you may land up with a piece of the Old Ladies after all.

(Pics: by me)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tree hugging – while you still can

I am by no means a major tree hugger or environmental expert – but I am an avid walker and have noticed something that I find a bit disturbing. What I don’t understand is that with all the hooo-haaa of planting trees and their importance – why are they being chopped off and poisoned?

I’ve been enjoying walks for some time and nothing is more pleasing than to walk amongst these mighty beasts – some of which have been around way before I was born. On my last walk from Constantia Nek to Kistenbosch, I noticed that here too trees were being chopped leaving large expanses of open ground. A common phenomenon it seems. And it’s not as pleasing to walk in the heat of the sun I might add. This seems to be happening just about everywhere I consider my favourite spots. One of the best places to walk these days is Newlands Forest, and this only because of the trees. On Lions Head and Table Mountain, a walker is exposed to so much sun that your walk has to be appropriately timed in order to enjoy it. Not the case with Newlands Forest.

The pics on the side I took whilst on a walk close to my home and found the incisions a bit puzzling. My tree-hugger friend then informed that these trees are poisoned in order to kill them. It’s claimed that since these trees are not indigenous, and for whatever other reasons, they have to go. And even if I were to entertain these ideas, why are trees not being planted in their place?

What I do know is that trees absorb carbon dioxide – of which we have been emitting in over-abundance. To help reduce damage to the environment of our carbon emissions – we need more trees desperately. In my opinion, can we really afford to lose the ones we already have? And thus the hoo-haa about planting trees. Thing is- they take years to grow and it seems we not doing the environment any favours by chopping or poisoning them. Indigenous or not! How can they possibly be that harmful to deserve the axe?

It’s certainly not as nice to walk amongst fynbos- of which we’re already drowning under just about everywhere else. If they’re say in your backyard and infested with beetles – that may be another story. What I’m concerned about are our lovely forests transformed into fynbos heaven. If anyone can explain this validly- I would certainly appreciate it. I’m running out of places to walk and the concrete-jungle is just not as appealing.

(Pics: by me)

Are cell phone towers a health risk??

Just about everyone these days have cell phones, use microwaves, watch TV etc. We see cell phone towers increasingly being erected in our neighbourhoods, around our workplaces and schools. We scramble from room to room to get better reception from these towers. Have you ever considered whether these towers and our increased exposure to electromagnetic waves pose any health risks?? If not, it’s about high time you start questioning it in my opinion.

I was chatting to a friend recently who relayed her stories and troubles with these cell phone towers. Living on a bit of an incline – her neighbours discovered that a flat block just below them had erected several cell phone towers to its roof. These electromagnetic waves are thus directly filtering through their homes. Neighbours soon started complaining of sleep disturbances and even skin problems with their children. Some even opted to move out since no amount rallying to do something about yielded any joy. With news of yet another cell phone tower to be erected in the neighbourhood- many residents complained and petitioned with the City to avoid its erection.

My friend in particular, a school teacher, complained of sleep disturbances. Whilst on holiday abroad recently, she discovered that she easily fell asleep (within 5 mins) after waking up for a loo-run in early hours of the morning. Back home- it would take hours even if she was lucky enough to fall asleep again. She then sought aid in sleeping pills for a while but luckily a healthier solution presented itself after a little discovery – which I’ll tell you a bit about later.

Bottom line- governments and cell phone companies insist they pose absolutely no health risks. And if you asking me, its got more to do with meeting the increasing demands of cell phone industries. Typically, cell phone companies pay you rent to erect a tower on your property. Ching Ching Ching!! Yet there is countless research to prove otherwise that we are not made aware of for obvious reasons. Some of this research proves that exposure to electromagnetic waves have grave adverse effects on our health, such as: mood swings, indigestion, ulcers, joint pain, brain tumors, suppressed immune function, depression, miscarriage, Alzheimer's disease. Some of the symptoms of microwave exposure are reported as: asthma, cataracts, headaches, memory loss, bad dreams, depression, fatigue, concentration loss, appetite loss, heart and blood pressure problems, and cancer. And it is insisted that they do not pose any threats???

To educate yourself a bit on some of this research, do yourself, and your health, a favour and go through some of these links:

Back to my friend and her discovery. She found a dude (a very old dude actually) in Somerset West that sells electromagnetic field protectors. It looks much like a fridge magnet actually. Basically- she popped this little thing under her bed and even bought one for her dog. Not only has she stopped taking sleeping pills, but now also has to wake the dog in the morning. So the dude advises its good to keep one of these on your person, place it near your PC when working and pop it under your bed at night. This helps protect us from “electro-smog” as he calls it. He explains that electro-smog has the effect of raising the body’s acid levels and the idea is try to alkalize it. There are countless more things we can do to assist our bodies with this mission. And, if you’re interested in the dude’s details – just hola.

My humble advice, educate yourself about electromagnetic waves and its effects and decide for yourself. Try out an electromagnetic field protector and check if you feel any difference. Quite easily, you’d be making the health choice of the century.

(Pics: ;

What motivates me

It really doesn’t take much to excite me and get me going. Mostly this happens because of people and sometimes it’s something I’ve read or seen…. rather random I’d say. Although- much of my inspiration and motivation is drawn from the arts.

I certainly get motivated when something that started out as just a figment of my imagination… is realised. Seeing your ideas come to fruition is a mega booster in my books. And somehow- it provides the steam to keep that train going. And well, I also get motivated when someone recognises or compliments my abilities and efforts. It confirms I’m not too crazy and it’s not just me blowing steam up my @SS:-)

I am motivated by others achieving some goal or dream or even just expressing themselves in some creative manner. Particularly drawn to the arts, creative and performing, I love observing or sharing in others' artistic expressions. Don’t mean to harp- but I’ve mentioned a few times …the time-stopping moment and passions story. It’s motivating to observe expressions of the artistic form as I see it as pure passion in action. Somebody expressing their very own special gift.

For 2 years I was involved in this NGO that worked with teens and the performing arts. One of the programmes we hosted on Fridays was the Jam Session – something like an open mic where anyone and everyone was welcome to express themselves in any art-form. Fridays were certainly something to look forward to in those days. We had hip hop rap performers, poetry, singing, instruments and even a drama piece one particular Friday – one man show playing three different roles. What was so inspiring about these Fridays was that these performers, mostly teens, had no other motivation to be there or to attend or to perform but for the pure love of doing what they did and expressing themselves. Nobody got paid or forced to attend… we merely provided the platform. Content of poems and rap pieces often struck me – about everyday situations and experiences… sometimes very painful. And no copies of famous hits or artists…no! I’m talking raw material and expression. You’d see artists with their little pieces of papers- doing a little private practice session in some corner before their turn. For me this was simply amazing!

People and this mysterious world motivates me – people have so much to offer and this world has so much to be explored.

(Pics: by me)

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

Many of us spend hours online and these days – its not just about finding information – it’s also about engaging in conversations and exploring the randomness of the great world wide web. Our hours of browsing and engaging it seems also come with some unexpected consequences – some good…some bad. Here’s my list of some of those consequences:

1. Finding an old school friend from primary or secondary years – I think just about everyone can relate to finding Natasha after 10 years

2. Having an argument with someone you don’t even know – it’s a looooong story, it happened via email and had nothing to do with work

3. “Forgot your password?” … thankfully just about every site is equipped to “reset” those gazillion passwords we accumulate.

4. The joys of online banking!!! – yaaaaaay! Transacting by a coupla clicks here and there has changed paying bills which could take all day to just a few minutes… love it!

5. Checking out reviews of a product or service ahead of a possible purchase – its reeeeaally helpful to know about others experiences when considering something new

6. Freedom of expression!! – I just love the fact that I can air my views, concerns and opinions with no consideration of censorship at all … clearly.

7. The randomness of searching for really random information and actually getting hits – yes midgets can have babies and babies can be perfectly normal.

8. Chatting and catching up with a friend in London, Cayman Islands or India- its like they’re just around the corner and have never left….although ye… nothing beats face to face – miss u Claire!

9. When last have you received a handwritten birthday card?…. a bit of a sentimental-I tend to hold onto these things and loved the little thoughtful notes … precious. These days… Facebook or an email seems to do the trick- its impersonal man!

10. Your whole life splattered across an array of social media networks… there is no such thing as secrets my friend and don’t even try to keep anything to yourself… if its not on your page somewhere – its on a friend’s or somewhere – some poor woman found pics of her husband’s wedding….er yes… her husband’s wedding… what a way to find out.

(Pic: )

Elephant in the room

To say that drugs with teens in Cape Town have become a huge problem would certainly be the understatement of the century. How we got here and what are we doing about it is the elephant in the room I often consider.

Yes there are rehab centres, loving support from families and loved ones to try to tackle the problem- but is this really enough? We still have mega-stats compared to other regions of the country. Where will this leave us in 10 years time? Many of you may have first-hand experience of dealing with a loved one involved in drugs or even know someone whose still addicted.

I personally have first-hand experience in dealing with a loved one involved in drugs and can certainly tell you it can drive you insane. And we’re not even talking about a teen here. It’s just beyond taxing to deal with. You’re concerned all the time – don’t know what madness you might come home to and cannot trust the person at all. The promises, the attempts to cover it all up. There’s the stage where you’re suspicious… and the policing starts to find clues. You die a little horrible death when these clues are found and your suspicions are confirmed. Then there’s the stage of attempting to deal with the problem. Scolding, threatening, being loving and supportive, counselling and rehab. You question all the time what could have driven the person to undertake such measures to deal and cope with life and what you can do to help. At the time- I endeavoured to do whatever I could in an attempt to help the person concerned…. or so I thought. There were times I thought great progress was made and times where my hopes were shattered. If anything I realized- nothing… and I mean nothing… no amount of counselling scolding or rehab can help the person unless he/she wants to do something about it. Unless he/she really wants the help and really wants to rehabilitate. Then and only then might your efforts be worth something.

That’s attempting to deal with the problem already there- or the symptom of the problem rather. What can we do towards prevention is my question? And here I think looking at the reasons for using in the first place is your first pointer. Peer pressure? Make them feel good? Escape problems? So many teens, particularly in Cape Town, and adults use all sorts of drugs to get the high. Meth, crack, cocaine, heroine…name your preference, are all used to get some sort of a high. To get that feeling of omnipotence, that feeling of pleasure… that feeling of I’m handling life. I think rather it’s high time we look at what we can do to prevent our loved ones from succumbing to these unnatural highs and prove life can be just as pleasurable.

If you’re asking me, drug addicts are highly intelligent people that lack healthy stimulation in their lives. These days children get propped in front of a TV set or sit with video games for hours on end. Or they’re dropped off at the mall to spend countless hours to do what?? Stare at flashy stores and advertisements…movies? Please, what are you stimulating your child or loved one with?

I think towards prevention- everyone should be stimulated to explore and find their passions. Everyone has a gift and sometimes it takes a bit of work to find it. There are many ways to find pleasure and relax. You’re into numbers, words, creative arts, performing arts, sports, cooking… the possibilities are endless. When you focus on something you love doing, you’re engaged for hours. I normally refer to it as the time-stopping moment. And in this light- I think we’re much better served taking the time and effort to assist each other in finding and engaging in our time-stopping moments. Sitting in front of a TV set is not a time stopping moment people!

I think our natural passions and lessons in taking responsibility are the keys to dealing with this elephant in the room. It’s not just the person dealing with the problem’s problem - It’s our problem and all of us can do something about it by setting the example. Explore your passions and encourage your loved ones to do the same.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Agenda-setting what you believe

Media is meant to be sensational, offering those stories and versions of events that we “apparently” want to see and read. Why? … ROI… it’s business. And sadly it works because we have been conditioned to expect the sensational. Media students would have learnt, early on, the 12 elements of what makes any story newsworthy and the holier than thou gatekeepers that dictate to us what is news. Newsworthy elements include: consonance, conflict, visual appeal and emotion. What about those stories that don’t make it to mainstream media simply because they’re not perceived to be newsworthy?

Another important aspect to bear in mind is objectivity…. a fallacy if you asking me. Francois Nel contends that journalists act merely as channels of information… relaying “facts” that are true, but (and I quote) … “that this process occurs objectively, is not”.

And here I just have to add the concept of “agenda-setting”. Why? “…because the media can influence what people think (and talk) about. That is called the power of agenda-setting” according to Mr Nel. Ultimately dictating to us what we should think and believe. Because what? We’re not able to do this for ourselves of course.

I’m not saying that we should not read newspapers or place a huge question mark behind every story. I’m saying that this should be done with due care and some detachment. Particularly where mainstream media is concerned. I’m saying that too often we simply swallow whole anything printed in black and white or coming from a reputable newsroom or broadcasting station. I’m saying that we should not believe everything we see and read, thereby not allowing anybody to dictate to you what to think and believe this is what life is all about.

What you see and read is but another person’s (just like you) version of “truth”. Question what you are fed. Consult as many sources as you can on a topic or idea and be bold enough to think for yourself. Alternatively, don’t bother and allow agenda-setting to think for you. Or hey, don’t even believe anything I’ve told you. Afterall, it’s just my subjective point of view.


It’s Allegedly Suspected

(of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality; represented as existing or as being as described but not so proved; supposed.

To surmise to be true or probable; imagine; to think (a person) guilty without proof; to believe to be guilty, false, counterfeit, undesirable, defective, bad, etc., with little or no proof.

No no… this is not an English lesson … I do have a point of sorts and by now maybe you smell where I’m heading.

It always amazes me how often I see and hear these two little words in media reports, followed by all sorts of statements, particularly with regard to a person. It also amazes me how often people regard what they see and hear in reports as fact… proven, discounting altogether these two little words that preceded some statement.

You hardly ever hear someone retelling a story and including these precious two words. For example, one may read “According to authorities, the suspected operatives were under heavy surveillance….”. The retelling of which will go more like “did you hear?! the authorities said operatives were under heavy surveillance ….” bla bla bla.

I allege that these suspected two little words should be noted with due care. I further allege that these words are suspected to be rather dangerous. I suspect that these words fail to reflect so-called truth and are more a buttered-up allegation. To me, alleged and suspected reveal vague reporting and whatever follows should not be regarded as fact, proven.

I think alleged and suspected are words we should be highly aware of. They simply point to someone’s concocted idea that carries very little or no proof.
